Circuit Service – Sunday 30th July 2017

“Finally” – this was the title of Rev John Simms’ reflections as he and Jude leave Kendal Circuit to take up a post in the National Forest East Circuit.  At a well-attended circuit service John shared with us how his various experiences over the last two years have impacted his life and witness.  With songs and hymns ranging from Matt Redman’s  ‘Blessed be your name’ to the old Joseph Hart hymn, This, this is the God we adore’ and his chosen Bible passage from Ephesians 6 on the armour of God, it was a time of celebrating how God works in the lives of His people.

Also during the service we thanked God for the work of our Local Preachers and in particular celebrated with Susan Hilton and Tom Fryers who have each completed 50 years on the Plan.  We also had a certificate for Wilf Barron, who after 64 years has decided to lay down his preaching.  We thank God, and indeed all our preachers, for the faithful way in which they minister to us.

Susan Hilton and Tom Fryers receiving their Local Preachers Long Service certificates

Susan Hilton and Tom Fryers receiving their Local Preachers Long Service certificates